
The following items are owned by IES, Inc. Most have been in use since 1994.

Trademark or Servicemark Description
Design Your Next Project in Minutes SM Ad slogan
IES ShapeBuilder ™ Software product for calculation of geometric properties
Friendly structural software, designed for your success.SM Ad slogan
Software for the way you work SM Ad slogan
Solve Your Next Problem in Minutes SM Ad slogan
IES QuickConcreteWall ™ Software product for the design of concrete walls
IES QuickFooting ™ Software product for the design of concrete footings
IES QuickMasonry ™ Software product for the design masonry components
IES QuickRWall ™ Software product for the design of retaining walls
Intuitive Software for Structural Engineering SM Tag line
Model + Load + Analyze + Design + Report + Succeed! SM Ad slogan, product tag line.
Quality Software for the Structural Engineer SM Ad slogan
Transparent Reporting SM Method used in Quick products to document all checks
Quick. Easy. Versatile. SM Ad slogan
IES VisualFoundation ™ Software product for the design of complex mat footings
IES VisualAnalysis ™ Software product for the analysis of just about anything
IES VARevitLink ™ Software product linking VisualAnalysis to Autodesk Revit®
IES VAConnect ™ Software product for steel connection design.
IES ConcreteBending ™ Software product for concrete wall and slab analysis and design.
IES ConcreteSection ™ Software product for cracked reinforced concrete analysis
IES LoadHelper ™ Software utility to create and organize ASCE 7 loads for dead, live, wind, and seismic.