IES FAQ Answers
License Types

IES, Inc. Owns the Software

Engineers use the software through an implicit license agreement. By purchasing the software you are agreeing to the license policy. Our service includes bug fixes and technical support in addition to business services.

You (or Your Company) Owns the License

Licenses may be activated or transferred as employees or hardware changes, as long as the license is active. You keep the license active by paying the annual maintenance or subscription fee.

Types of Licenses

Comparison of Types

Single-user licenses are much simpler and more flexible for a small group of people. Network licenses or subscriptions are more affordable if you have many users, where only a few need access to the products at any given time. Subscriptions are best for short-term use or for the lowest up-front cost. Over a longer period, subscriptions become more expensive with the break-even point is somewhere between two and four years, depending on the product.

Licensing Technology

Licenses are software and Internet based, so you get a license ID and a password to activate it. There are no hardware locks or USB dongles required. Off-grid network licensing is possible for highly secured sites, please contact sales.